
Players Earn AIM High! Shirts

Three players were honored before our match against New Palestine on Wednesday, Sept. 4 with AIM High! character development t-shirts.

Jaigen Glaze received a t-shirt for Leadership.  He was recognized for inviting a man and his young daughter to cut in line ahead of about 15 players at a restaurant to minimize that family’s long wait.  This is a great example of being aware of other people and caring about them.  Good job, Jaigen!

Josef Zacek was awarded a shirt for Self-Discipline.  Josef does a great job day-to-day staying focused on his improvement and concentrating on his drills.

Owen Vest received a shirt for Competitiveness.  Owen tries his best to win every practice drill and, of course, all of his matches.  He is getting better and better.

More shirts will be awarded next week!